Friday, May 9, 2014

Extraordinary Uses of Petroleum Jelly

What exactly is Petroleum Jelly?
According to Wikipedia, Petroleum Jelly is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons which is originally promoted and used as a topical ointment for its healing properties. It is colorless, or of a pale yellow color, translucent and devoid of taste and smell when it is pure. It does not oxidize when exposed to the air and is not readily acted on by chemical reagents. It is also insoluble in water but soluble in dichloromethane, benzene, carbon disulfide, chloroform, oil of turpentine, and diethyl ether.
When it comes the uses of petroleum jelly, you will surely be surprised to know that it actually has lots of extraordinary.
1. Before going to bed at night, apply ample amount of petroleum jelly on to your chapped feet and hands. Cover your feet with cotton socks and your hands with cotton gloves. The following day, expect both of your feet and hands feeling soft and smooth.
2. Apply liberal amount of petroleum jelly to any chapped and wind burned skin part of your body. Do it regularly and you'll see it will be healed in no time.
3. If you want your perfume to last on your body, apply some petroleum jelly to the parts where you usually spray your perfume and spray your favorite perfume on top of it. Sure enough you will smell so good throughout the day.
4. Make a an easy homemade and inexpensive exfoliator by mixing petroleum jelly and sugar or sea salt.
5. Remove shoe blisters by smearing a little amount of petroleum jelly on the specific part of the shoe that rub against your foot.
6. For a warming massage at home, heat petroleum jelly until warm using the microwave and ask someone to massage it into your back. It will help sooth your back pain.
7. If you have a fever, put petroleum jelly inside the freezer for about 5 minutes, then sooth it on your forehead and you'll feel relieved.
8. If you find it hard opening bottles like the nail polish bottles, rub petroleum jelly on its neck for easy opening.
9. If you have pets at home and they you noticed they have cracked paw pads, rub some petroleum jelly on their pads to make them smooth.
10. To restore the shiny look of your leather bags and shoes, apply some petroleum jelly to them
11. To easily remove candle wax, apply petroleum jelly all around its edges.
12. Dab some petroleum jelly on doors with squeaky hinges.
13. To reduce and ease scalp itching and scaling because of dandruff, massage some petroleum jelly into your scalp.
14. If a chewing gum accidentally get stuck on your hair, remove it by applying petroleum jelly to it and the gum will slide off easily.
15. If you want to keep ants and other insects from getting into your pet's food bowl, spread petroleum jelly all around the outer sides of the bowl.
16. Safe for your baby, apply small amount of petroleum jelly on your baby's clean bottom before putting on a new diaper to prevent diaper rash.
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