Monday, March 31, 2014

Not Picture Perfect

I want to share with you these embarrassing fail photos posted at Yahoo Philippines by Elise Sole. There are 9 photos but I've only picked 5 of them.

Photo: Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor's Twist Neck Short Sleeve Tee looks lovely on this model, but did the retoucher feel her left arm was a distraction? Curiously, the image was posted shortly after a company rep told Jezebel, "We really put precautionary measures in place this year as we agree our retouching had been overzealous and inconsistent with our beliefs."

Photo: Simply Be

This Anna Scholz Kimono-Sleeve dress from British plus-size store Simply Be is super cute. The alien six-fingered hand? Not so much.

Photo: Bloomingdales

It's a good thing this Diane von Furstenberg Davina silk-chiffon dress has long sleeves, because they're perfect for hiding abnormally elongated elbows.

Photo: Amazon

The model wearing this Independent Trading Co.'s Women's Full-Zipped Hooded Sweatshirt on Amazon looks comfy. Her hand however, looks as though it was dipped in gray ink.

Long legs are typically considered an asset — except when you need five extra feet of material to cover them, as was the case after this model wearing an LBD on Stop Staring Clothing got seriously stretched.

Source: Yahoo Philippines

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dawson's Creek

Yesterday, it was The O.C. that I remembered so badly. Now, I'm going crazy over Dawson's Creek again. Yes, I'm gonna spend the whole afternoon watching for Dawson's Creek episodes on You Tube. I miss watching Joey and Dawson!

Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode 1 - Coming Home

Dawson and Joey's First Date Scenes

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

The O.C.

I saw a picture of Mischa Barton just a while ago and I remember watching her in her drama series The O.C. Sadly, it's no longer airing today, it ended in the year 2007. How I wish I can find a complete series of it so I can watch it from the start until the end. And since I miss watching it, I've searched on YouTube some of its available episodes. Here are few of the episodes I've enjoyed watching a while ago (mostly Ryan and Marissa - my favorite characters).

At The Beach

Ryan and Marissa's Classic Moments Season 1

Ryan and Marissa's Classic Moments Season 2

Ryan and Marissa: Classic Moments Season 3

Ryan and Marissa's First Night

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Health Benefits of Mung Beans (Munggo)

One of my all time favorite dish to cook and eat is Ginisang Monggo. If you're not aware, balatong or munggo is the Tagalog word for mung means. Others refer it to moog, choroko, green or golden gram. 

Mung beans are very tasty legumes that offers a lot of health benefits. They have many nutritional components that is perfect for one's cardio-vascular health. Mung beans also has 0-cholesterol, Vitamin C, potassium, and has low saturated fat contents that helps in reducing the risk of heart ailments, and diabetes, as well as aids in regulating blood pressure.

For pregnant woman like me, the Vitamin A in monggo beans is good for the vision development of my baby. Also, the Vitamin B2 and B3 also helps in his/her cellular formation. Additionally, the folate I get from eating monggo benefits my baby's brain development and building his/her red blood cells.

Among the best things about mung beans is that it's definitely cheap and can be easily bought at the supermarkets. Aside from my favorite ginisang munggo, I also love turning munggo into a healthy and easy to cook dessert - munggo with milk and sugar.

This tasty dessert only needs sugar and evaporated milk. After boiling the munggo, I just need to mix sugar and evaporated milk, then let it cool for a while before placing it inside the fridge. Sometimes, I make munggo ice candy too.

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

How To Become A Responsible Dog Owner

A lot of people who also have a pet dog will surely agree with me that dogs are among the most amazing creatures we have in this world. As compared to other pets, dogs certainly have so many things to do to us human beings and this is the main reason why they are considered as "Man's Bestfriend!" 

Just like our very own wonder dog Mio, who we treat like our son and a younger brother to my daughter, he does not only provide us with his unconditional love as he also serve as our guard dog. Although he's just a small breed of dog, he barks so loud and he will surely do everything to keep us safe.

We have Mio for almost a year now and he became our bundle of joy. He is definitely our stress reliever. The way he looks at us every morning when we wake up brightens up our day and makes it a really good morning. How we wish he can talk just like humans does. 

And because of the different kind of joy our wonder dog gives us, we also do everything to make him one happy dog. We are a responsible dog owner and here are the things we do to give back to our loyal friend.

1.) Visiting the veterinarian on a regular basis for check-up.

Just like our daughter who we take to her pedia for a regular check-up, we also take Mio to his veterinarian on a regular basis to examine his health. Of course we want the best health condition for our beloved pet thus we give him the kind of vitamins and vaccines he needs to keep him in good shape, alive, and active all the time.

2.) Regular grooming.

Every four months, we take Mio to the dog salon to give him a special pampering experience. He gets an overall grooming and that includes, giving him a bath, cutting his nails, brushing his teeth, and cleaning his ears. We give him a bath at home twice a week and brush his hair every single day morning and evening.

3.) Regular exercise.

Although Mio only gets to spend long walks during the weekends, he still have his everyday walking and running exercise inside the house. Every single day either before or after his breakfast, he keeps on running around the house, going up and down on the sofa and bed, and exploring every corner of our home.

4.) Feeding our dog with healthy diet and giving him treats he deserves.

Whatever we eat, we share to our pet Mio. We always count him every time we cook and buy food. He usually have full meals three times a day and snacks in the morning and afternoon, including midnight snacks if there is available food which we consider as treats for him. We don't like seeing him begging for food so we always satisfy his needs.

5.) Complimenting our dog every time he does something right.

We compliment Mio a lot every single day. We always tell him that he's such a good boy whenever he finished his meals, when he stand still whenever we told him to stay, when he doesn't move so much when we're giving him a bath and drying his fur, and every time he follow the commands we give him. We always kiss and hug him for many times in a day to show him how much we love and treasure him.

6.) We never do anything physical that would hurt our beloved dog.

Never did we hit or spank our dog Mio because we know it is not right, it's cruelty to animals. We never want him to feel scared and develop fear in us. 

7.) We never leave our dog sad and alone for a long time.

There are times that we really need to go out and leave Mio all alone inside the house. But we don't leave him for hours, we don't want him to skip his meal time because it will make him really hungry. 

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Victoria's Secret Shampoo

I definitely like Victoria's Secret products from perfumes, lotions, and body butters, and I just love the idea of my hair smelling so great with the use of Victoria's Secret Shampoo. 

Thank God I was able to find authentic and very affordable Victoria's Secret Nourishing shampoo at CZ Boutique

All available Victoria's Secret shampoos cleanses and hydrates hair with the nourishing ingredients they are composed of. After using the shampoo, you'll notice that your hair becomes so soft, very shiny, and with luxuriously scent. To make your hair even more lovely, use Victoria's Secret conditioner. 

I hope I can be able to find an authentic and affordable Victoria's Secret conditioner too. 

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ways To Tell That Your Obsession To Shopping Is Not Healthy Anymore

Are you a shopaholic? Do you think that you're shopping habits is no longer healthy? 

Then read the following ways for you to know if your obsession to shopping has gone beyond your means.

  • One of your favorite pastime is shopping and nothing can stop you from doing it even though you're hungry or is not feeling very well.
  • You go shopping almost every week buying clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories yet you feel empty and sometimes end up checking out shops and boutiques every single day.
  • You have lots of clothes inside your closet ranging from different kinds and comes in every color yet you still can't choose which one to wear.
  • You truly enjoy shopping especially during sale events and think you're able to save a lot from doing so, what you don't realize is that you're buying things which you don't necessarily need.
  • You have so many accessories, bags, and pairs of shoes - all types of them yet in reality you haven't used and wore most of them even once, and probably some of them still have their price tag.
  • The funny thing is that you still choose to spend money and buy shoes and clothes even if they don't fit you perfectly thinking you can still use them one day in your life.
  • As soon as you arrived home from shopping, you choose to hide from your family the new things you've bought.
  • You don't spend enough quality time with your special someone because of your shopping habits and you're relationship is starting to be ruined.
  • Aside from going to the mall to go shopping, you also love shopping online and spending several hours checking out every online store available. 
  • Before your salary arrives, you've already set a certain amount of money which you will use to go shopping and often go beyond the limit you've set.
  • When you don't have enough money, you end up borrowing some amount from your family and friends just to be able to buy the new arrival of clothes, shoes, bags, or accessories you saw at the mall.
  • You choose to save money but for the wrong reason and oftentimes you set aside the more important things you should buy.
  • What you don't realize is that you have been spending too much money than you can afford to. The last thing you'll notice is that you've gone beyond your credit card limit and you don't have enough savings at the bank.
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Monday, March 24, 2014

Strange Facts You May Not Know Yet - Part 2

Here's the second part of the Strange Facts You May Not Know Yet.

1. A company in Taiwan makes plates, cutlery, bowls, and chopsticks out of wheat so you can eat them after. No need to wash dishes.

2. A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

3. A fetus starts to develop fingerpirnts at the age of eight weeks.

4. Women have more tastebuds than men.

5. A giraffe can has 21-inch tongue and can clean its ears using it.

6. A giraffe can survive without water longer than a camel can.

7. It would take 15,840,000 rolls of wallpaper to be able to cover the Great Wall of China.

8. Polar bears can smell seal from 20 miles away.

9. If you want to sell your home faster and for more money, paint it yellow.

10. Humans are the only animals that use a smile as an emotional response.

11. An iguana can stay under water for 28 minutes.

12. Tipping at a restaurant in Iceland is considered an insult.

13. An ostrich eye is bigger that it's brain.

14. In most advertisements, including in newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.

15. Most cows give more milk when they listen to music.

16. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

17. There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.

18. There are more chickens than people in the world.

19. It is illegal to sell or own chewing gum in Singapore.

20. The word "screeched" is the longest one-syllable in the English language.

21. Leonardo Da Vinci never dated or signed his most famous Mona Lisa painting.

22. Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will cause it to go crazy and sting itself.

23. Not only the fur of the tiger is striped but also its skin.

24. Pearls dissolves in vinegar.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thought Catalog Contributor

I'm so happy my post was approved for Thought Catalog. I am now an official contributor for their site. Whew! 

I've received an email from Lance who works for Thought Catalog informing me that my post was great and it is now live at their site.

Here's the link:

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul

I really want to buy and get to read this book: "Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul". It includes 101 Stories to inspire and warm the hearts of soon-to-be-mothers. This is so perfect for me and I hope I can find one at the bookstore today.

I really like reading Chicken Soup Books because of the very inspiring stories shared by other people. I remember I own one Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and was able to finished reading it in less than a week. Sadly I don't have it now because someone borrowed it and didn't return it to me anymore. That book of mine is very important to me because that is where I preserved the six white roses my boyfriend who is now my hubby gave me during our first valentines day. 

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Things Men Shouldn't Feel Sorry About

  • Forgetting Monthsaries
Unfortunately men do not always remember the day you said "Yes" to him. You actually need to give him some hint so he'll remember the exact date of your monthsary. It's not a crime if your boyfriend often forgets it, the worse thing is if he doesn't really care about celebrating it with you especially if its your anniversary.

  • Buying and Giving Presents
Admit it ladies, we always expect to receive gifts from our boyfriend especially during monthsaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. Simple gifts will do and sure enough we're going to treasure them as long as it comes from our man. Sadly, not all boyfriends are generous enough to give their girlfriends flowers, chocolates, and special gifts every day. Lucky if you can find a rich man who can afford to shower you many gifts. Well, girls shouldn't expect too much because it's not the material things which should matter in every relationship.

  • Not Showing Enough Emotion
Men are actually not as sweet as women. It's probably in their system that they are not very much expressive of how they're feeling towards their girlfriend. They actually try to hide their feelings because they think it's not a masculine thing.

  • Asking To Have Some Space and Time Alone
Like women, men also needs some time for themselves. They need to spend enough time reflecting, focusing on their work, and doing other things they love to do. And in reality, men actually craves alone time with no distractions at all. 

  • Going Out and Hanging Out with Friends
A guy's night out is important for our boyfriends/husbands. It's the only time they can spend quality time with their best buddies and unwind for a while. Just like women who loves girl bonding, men also needs bonding with his colleagues from time to time.

  • Wanting to Watch Sports
Men are so much interested in watching their favorite sports. They can spend the whole day sitting on the couch and cheering for their teams. We women should accept this reality and shouldn't be jealous if they don't seem to have time thinking about us because they are so engrossed about what they're watching.

  • Keeping Phone Calls and Text Messages Short
Most of the time men are always straight to the point. They prefer to be direct on whatever they have to say and doesn't need to explain every single detail. 

  • Being Risk Takers
Men are born to be risk whatever it takes. They badly need to be like that to defend their manhood and because it's one way to prove their reputation not only for themselves but also to other people around. 

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 20 March 2014

 This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

 This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

 The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

 This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

To get your own policy, go to

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Differences Between A Friend and A Best Friend

I saw this photo from Facebook which is shared by my former college classmate who was also one of my best buddies. 

I also have here an additional differences between a friend and a best friend..

Friend: Hands your shoe if it falls down
Best Friend: Grabs your shoe and runs around the room with it screaming "ha ha loser!"

Friend: Comforts you when you're heartbroken
Best Friend: Will say "be right back" with a baseball bat, come back at 3am and say  "it's all been taken care of."

Friend: Calls your parents Mr. and Mrs.
Best Friend: Calls you parents Dad and Mom

Friend: Buy you breakfast or snacks or lunch or dinner.
Best Friend: Will eat your breakfast or snacks or lunch or dinner.

Friend: Helps you find your prince charming.
Best Friend: Kidnap him and bring him to you.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Perks Of Working From Home

Since the year 2006, I've already started online work through my blog and at the same time working for a company. Whenever I have free time at night when I'm home, I spend it doing my online job. And in just a few months I was able to earn a lot of money already. It was just last year that I've decided to permanently choose home based job so that at the same time I can look after my family.

With the growing popularity of home based jobs, there are a number of my friends who also prefer doing it and we've all agree that with such kind of work, we can actually do our job wherever and whenever we want to especially at the comfort of our own homes.

In reality, working from home has given me several advantages and that includes the following things:

1. I get to spend more time with my family every single day. I really don't have to wake up as early as 4:30 or 5:00 AM to cook breakfast, clean the house, take a bath, get dress, put on make up, and look after my daughter, and my hubby. With my home based job, there's no need to rush myself everyday thus I can spend more time preparing breakfast and eating together with my family before they go to work and school.

2. Working from home offers me a less stressful environment with a quieter atmosphere as compared to working in an office which actually has a lot of distractions. I love working alone because I can focus more on the work I do and that makes me more productive. 

3. I can save enough money each day because there's no need for me to commute from home to work and vice versa. I won't even have to experience traffic on the streets and having to run as fast as I can just to be able to reach the office on time or else there will be a deduction on my salary if I'm late.

4. I can definitely balance doing household chores and accomplishing my home based work. I just love the idea of looking after my family, keeping our house clean every single day, and at the same earn money even I'm just home. 

5. The flexibility in hours. I can definitely choose to work whenever I want to. After my hubby and my daughter left home in the morning, it's only me and our pet dog who spends the rest of the day together. After washing the dishes, sweeping and mopping the floor, I take a bath, and starts working on my desk. I spend a long break during lunch time, watch TV, take a nap in the afternoon, and get back to work after having my afternoon snacks. At 5 PM when my hubby and my daughter arrives home, I stop working to help my hubby prepare dinner and assist my daughter in her homework. After dinner, I can start working again.

6. I can talk on the phone for hours, chat with friends, update my blog, watch movies online, and check my Facebook any time I can.

7. I can go shopping, do the grocery, and attend to my appointments any time I want to.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Alternative Uses for Household Items

1. Buttons - can be used to store and organize earrings.

2. Socks - can be used to wrap breakable items such as vases and glasses.

3. Drinking Straw - can be inserted on a flower stem to create a unique look before placing inside a vase.

4. Wrapping Paper/Tissue Tube - can be used to roll clean linens and fabric.

5. Shower Cap - can be used it to cover shoes or slippers.

6. Food Shaker - can be used as pellet or fertilizer storage.

7. Emery Board - can be used to remove stains on bags and shoes

8. Eyeglasses Case - can be used as a jewelry, earphone case, or sewing kit.

9. Sticky Note  can be used to remove crumbs and other grimes like on a computer keyboard.

10. Eraser - can be used to remove and clean pencil marks on walls made of wood.

11. Toothbrush Holder - can be used as make-up brushes stand.

12. Chocolate Box Insert - can be used as office supplies organizer for clips, erasers or jewelry organizer.

13. Cooking Oil - can be damped on door hinges to stop creaking sounds.

14. Paper Plates - can be used in between cookwares or breakable plates to prevent them from scratches.

15. Washing Machine - can be used an ice chest. Fill it up with ice to keep both bottled and canned drinks cold.

Source: Good Housekeeping

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