Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Foods & Drinks You Should Never Feed Your Dog

If you love your dog and wants him/her to stay healthy and live longer, then you should take note of the foods you should not give them. As a responsible pet owner you should know at the first place what foods are toxic for your dogs in particular.

1. Chocolates

Any kind of chocolate is extremely toxic for your pet dog as it contains theobromine, a toxic agent which can often cause them to experience diarrhea and vomiting. If you treat your dog with chocolates, stop it now because too much consumption of it can lead to seizures and respiratory failure.

2. Grapes and Raisins

Never give your dogs grapes and raisins because it could specifically induce vomiting in pets, lead to kidney failure, and in a worst-case scenario can poison them and cause death.

3. Avocados
Avocado seeds and fruits contains persin, a fatty acid which dogs are particularly allergic of. If your dog had accidentally eaten avocado, it will cause them to vomit, experience diarrhea, and lead to a life threatening situation.
4. Macadamia Nuts 
Five to six pieces of macadamia nuts eaten by your dogs can easily put their lives in danger. Don't ever give your dogs this kind of nuts if you don't want them to be experience weakness, vomiting, and tremors.
5. Mushrooms

Avoid feeding your dogs with mushrooms because some species of this are toxic and can cause your pet to vomit, experience diarrhea, seizures, and excessive salivation that could lead to liver and neurological disorders.

6. Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic can cause your dog to vomit, become weak and exhausted, and have anemia. They particularly contain disulfides and sulfoxides that can easily affect dog's red blood cells. 

7. Yeast Dough

Fermented yeast from the yeast dough is considered dangerous for your pet dog as it can cause abdominal pains, gas problems, and in a more severe case can destroy dog's intestines and red blood cells.

8. Candies, Sweets, and Gums

Candies, sweets, and gums contain xylitol which is toxic for your pet dogs. Xylitol can easily cause your dogs to  vomit, have hypoglycemia, and experience liver failure. It can also lower your dog's blood sugar in just 15 minutes after consumption.

9. Ice Cream

Ice cream and other products that contains milk, sugar, emulsifiers, and food colorings can be toxic for your dogs which can cause them to vomit, experience diarrhea, and can also trigger allergies.

10. Salty Snacks

Giving your dogs a large amount of salty snacks can cause them to vomit, experience diarrhea and tremors, and excessive thirst and urination.

11. Alcohol
Do not ever let your beloved dog drink alcoholic beverages as they can cause depression,  decrease in coordination, vomiting, diarrhea, coma, and death.

12. Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea are composed of theobromine which makes it dangerous for the health of your pet dogs causing them to vomit, experience diarrhea, including epilepsy.

Source: Yahoo Shine
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