Thursday, May 29, 2014

Salted Egg Nutrition Facts & Recipe

One of my favorite food to eat is salted egg with lots of tomatoes and onion chives or onion (in case there's no onion chives available). I learned this easy-to-do recipe from my hubby and we definitely love having it either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

What I didn't know was that duck eggs were traditionally used in making the best and tastiest salted eggs, though chicken eggs can also be used as well.

Below is the Nutrition Facts you'll get from eating one serving of salted egg.

How is salted egg made?
Salted egg is simply made by soaking duck or chicken eggs in a water and salt solution for about three to five weeks.
If you want to give it a try for the first time, you can follow this procedure below.
Ingredients: 4 fresh duck or chicken eggs, 2 cups water, and 3/4 cups salt
Step 1: Get a container (preferably a jar) with a lid and place the four eggs inside.
Step 2: Put two cups of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the salt gradually and stir until it is completely dissolve. Remove from heat and let it cool.
Step 3: Pour in the cooled salt and water solution inside the container with the eggs making sure that the eggs are completely submerged in the water.
Step 4: Cover the container firmly and store it in a dark place for the next three weeks. If you want a more saltier taste, store it for about five weeks.
Step 5: After 3 or 5 weeks, take out the eggs  from the container and boil them for about 30 minutes. After boiling, let it cool for a few minutes before peeling its shell.

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